Facing the antibiotics crisis head-on demands action! This coming November, in coordination with World Health Organization’s (WHO) World Antibiotic Awareness Week November 12 – 19, 2018, Tiny Earth is holding its Antibiotic Awareness Campaign 2018.
Tiny Earth is moving the conversation beyond the lab. Together with WHO and the CDC, Tiny Earth will raise awareness about antimicrobial resistance and illuminate core actions people can take to turn the tide. The single most important action to slow the development and spread of antibiotic-resistant infections is to reduce the misuse and overuse of antibiotics in medicine and agriculture. Join the Tiny Earth Antibiotic Awareness Campaign 2018 and show us the innovative ways you and your peers are raising awareness about the antibiotic crisis in your community and beyond.
Big News! Tiny Earth is excited to partner with WNYC’s Science Friday. Science Friday is an award winning public radio program dedicated to increasing the public’s access to science and scientific information. Science Friday’s team will help Tiny Earth select this year’s top submissions.
To participate, Tiny Earth students are challenged to create public service announcements (PSA) designed raise awareness about the implications of antibiotic resistance and thereby stimulate others to act.
How to Enter
- Create your PSA about the antibiotic crisis. Use a format described below or create your own.
- Share your PSA online via Twitter with @TinyEarthNet or through Tiny Earth’s Facebook Group Page. Include your full name, school, how many people you reached, and the following hashtags: #BeAntibioticsAware #AntibioticResistance.
Tiny Earth Antibiotic Awareness Campaign Ideas
Use these ideas or create your own! (Remember to get permission from your instructor if you are doing something on campus.)
- Make a Video (max 5 minutes) – Be a director and/or an actor in your own medical genre classic bringing viewers on your journey to learn about the antibiotic crisis. Consider answering some of the following questions: What is antibiotic resistance? Why should you be concerned? What can you do about it? Where would you expect to find microbes that produce antibiotics? (For ideas, check out last year’s undergraduate winner from Tiny Earth students at UC-Irvine.)
- Organize an Event – Ever want to share your research with the community? Host an open house and walk others through what you are doing and why it is important. Are you a movie lover? Consider screening an outbreak-style film with an important message on how to keep that from happening in real life. Like games? Consider hosting a tournament to play Gut Check or Pandemic.
- Write a Blog or an Op-Ed for a Student or Local Paper? Leverage your writing and passion for science policy and reach hundreds to thousands of readers with a message and argument related to antibiotic resistance.
- Bake for Antibiotic Resistance – Do you like to practice your plating skills in the kitchen? Wonder what impact eating icing-streaked, Petri-dish shaped cookies has on people? Hold an antibiotic-themed bake sale.
- Measure – Wonder how many people at your school really wash their hands after using the restroom? Curious about whether your classmates demand antibiotics every time they feel sick? Create a mini-study and share your results. How does your school compare to national averages? What recommendations do you have for improvement?
- Write a Song – Did you ever want to join The Voice but did not know how to incorporate your love for microbiology? Not a great singer but enjoy lip syncing while digging in soil and hunting for microbes? Make a funny song or lip sync about something related to antibiotic resistance.
- Buzz – Create an online interactive quiz on buzzfeed to spread awareness on antibiotic resistance. Remember to follow their posting rules.
- Fundraise – Add a fundraising element to your action. Consider using funds to help students at your school attend the Tiny Earth Symposium or donating to help Tiny Earth train more educators from under-resourced schools. Film screenings and bake sales can have a fundraising element. Or, maybe, you want to design a catchy t-shirt on antibiotic resistance. Even better, create the next ice bucket challenge. Be sure to get permission from your instructor first. Let us know what you raise so that we can announce it.
- Passionate about something else? Consider how you might incorporate that into our do something challenge.
Full contest prize details are forthcoming but will include a sponsored invitation to travel to Madison, Wisconsin for Tiny Earth’s 2019 Symposium at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to present your PSA to the Tiny Earth community.
- Undergraduate 1st Place
- Undergraduate Runner Up
- High School Award
- Micro Mundo Award
Friday, November 30, 2019
How Prizes will be awarded:
The winners will be selected based on the reach and depth of their project. A Selection Committee will include Tiny Earth’s staff, Tiny Earth faculty and Science Friday team, among others. Any conflicted parties will not vote on the final winner.
Submission Usage
By submitting an entry, entrants agree that the Tiny Earth may use, repost, and publish entries. Entrants will be credited if/when their entries are used.
Print out a flyer
Spread the word!
Tiny Earth is delighted to announce the winners of our 2018 November Antibiotic Awareness Campaign. We received over 20 submissions from students representing high schools and colleges across the world. We would like to thank all of our student scientists who participated and know that your PSAs made a difference in the fight to curb the antibiotic crisis.
Representatives from the CDC, Science Friday, and Merck & Co., Inc. judged all of the submissions on creativity, reach, and overall effectiveness as PSAs. Tiny Earth would like to thank our judges and congratulate the following winners.
Cardenal Herrera University
High School Winners
The Ethel Walker School
Antibiotic Awareness Board Game
The Ethel Walker School
Baked Goods Antibiotic Awareness Sale
Brockton High School
Infographic Antibiotic Awareness Twitter Campaign
College Winners
Cardenal Herrara University
Antibiotic Awareness PSA Video
2nd (tie)
University of California-Irvine
Antibiotic Awareness PSA
2nd (tie)
University of California-Irvine:
Antibiotic Awareness PSA
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Antibiotic Awareness Music Video
Our Judges