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So far cbedell has created 13 blog entries.

News on Federal Funding for Research

Infographic on Federally Sponsored Research from the Association of American UniversitiesWhat Scientists Need to Know About Facilities and Administrative CostsWhat are indirect costs? What happens to research without this funding? A post from the Coalition for Life Sciences breaks down what indirect costs cover and why they are essential to STEM research. Share with your [...]

2025-02-25T14:11:18-06:00February 25th, 2025|

Join Tiny Earth’s “Every Step Counts” Photo Contest for World AMR Awareness Week

Tiny Earth is participating in the World Health Organization’s annual World Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Awareness Week November 18-24. This year’s theme for the week is “Educate. Advocate. Act Now.” Tiny Earth and the WHO aim to motivate individuals to raise awareness about AMR and take decisive actions. Students are encouraged to participate in Tiny [...]

2025-01-16T15:12:13-06:00November 8th, 2024|

Tiny Earth Inspires New Microbe Hunters at Wisconsin Science Festival

On October 15th, the Wisconsin Science Festival’s Discovery Building Expo – Field Trip Day featured Tiny Earth activities for nearly 1,100 elementary and middle school students. Tiny Earth staff and Handelsman Lab researchers introduced students to the complexity of soil microbes via microscopy, soil dilutions, and spread plating. The Expo explored a wide range [...]

2024-10-28T12:29:40-05:00October 28th, 2024|

Addressing Health Disparities in Stem Cell Donation

Immunology students seeking potential stem-cell donors. Source: ASM, Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education   In January, Dr. Drew Rholl and several of his students published an activity as part of the Special Series on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity in Journal for Microbiology and Biology Education. The activity worked with the Be [...]

2024-10-25T11:40:16-05:00October 23rd, 2024|

Tiny Earth Chemistry Hub Webinar

Wednesday, October 16 at 2:00 PM–3:00 PM ET (1:00 PM-2:00 PM CT) | via Zoom Meeting ID: 91512114331 | Passcode: 332072 For students and instructors! Join the Zoom Add to Calendar (.ics file)  Instructors — Invite your students! Join us for this special event showcasing the Tiny Earth Chemistry Hub’s (TECH) innovative approach to [...]

2024-10-15T07:53:21-05:00October 14th, 2024|

Dug Up in the News: UMD Research Finds Compost and Manure Reduce Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in Urban Soil

New research from the University of Maryland finds that using compost and treated manure to improve urban soils can help reduce harmful antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The study, which examined leafy greens and urban farm soils in Washington D.C., revealed that the treated soils had more total bacteria and fewer harmful strains, suggesting enhanced soil health in [...]

2024-09-04T14:45:05-05:00September 4th, 2024|

New TEPIs Trained July and August 2024

The Tiny Earth community is thrilled to welcome 43 new TEPIs to the network! Each new TEPI brings expertise from a range of scientific fields including microbiology, chemistry, and genetics to our network. They represent institutions from 16 US states and four countries. During the training weeks, the participants learned the ins and outs of [...]

2024-08-21T14:14:54-05:00August 21st, 2024|

Tiny Earth’s New Collaborator in India Hosts Event July 5th

On July 5th, Tiny Earth’s new collaborator in India, 6D.Varsity, held The Future Scientists Forum to announce the School of Antibiotic Research and their partnership with Tiny Earth. The event included a diverse group of over 300 students, faculty members, and other stakeholders. 6D.Varsity co-founders and Tiny Earth collaborators, Usha Sripathineni and Srikanth Talluri, [...]

2024-09-25T11:09:24-05:00August 15th, 2024|

Spain Microbiology Teachers Welcome Connecticut TEPI

Last May, the Consolidated Group of Teaching Innovation (GCID) in Microbiology of the Universitat de València welcomed Tiny Earth Partner Instructor, Sharon Gusky (Connecticut State Community College), and student researchers at the UV Burjassot Campus to share ideas on combating international antimicrobial resistance awareness. Our international connections enrich scientific breakthroughs by bringing together diverse [...]

2024-08-21T11:48:47-05:00August 15th, 2024|

TEPI Lee Hughes Receives 2024 ASM Carski Award

TEPI Dr. Lee Hughes, (University of North Texas, US), was awarded the American Society for Microbiology 2024 Carski Award, which recognizes microbiology educators for exceptional teaching. Dr. Hughes exemplifies outstanding teaching in undergraduate biology and microbiology courses by improving learning environments and implementing active learning strategies. He has taken on many notable roles in [...]

2024-08-21T11:46:43-05:00August 15th, 2024|
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