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So far cbedell has created 14 blog entries.

TEPI Lee Hughes Receives 2024 ASM Carski Award

TEPI Dr. Lee Hughes, (University of North Texas, US), was awarded the American Society for Microbiology 2024 Carski Award, which recognizes microbiology educators for exceptional teaching. Dr. Hughes exemplifies outstanding teaching in undergraduate biology and microbiology courses by improving learning environments and implementing active learning strategies. He has taken on many notable roles in [...]

2024-08-21T11:46:43-05:00August 15th, 2024|

Exploring the Beauty of Microbes: TEPI, Joanna Klein’s Journey With Agar Art

Student creating agar at at University of St. Thomas spring workshop Tiny Earth Partner Instructor (TEPI) Dr. Joanna Klein uses innovative teaching strategies in her Tiny Earth course that engage students with the intricate world of microbes. At the University of St. Thomas, Dr. Klein creatively integrates “agar art” into her Tiny Earth course, [...]

2024-07-31T17:17:16-05:00July 30th, 2024|

Tiny Earth Merchandise Now Available!

Represent Tiny Earth in and out of the classroom! Showcase your love for Tiny Earth with premium short- and long-sleeve tees in your favorite color or a delightful two-toned mug for your morning brew.  How do purchases from the Tiny Earth store directly support Tiny Earth programming? Promotes Tiny Earth and the discovery of [...]

2024-07-29T15:55:29-05:00July 29th, 2024|

Matters Microbial: Using THOR’s Hammer to Investigate Microbial Communities

Tiny Earth founder Dr. Jo Handelsman was recently a guest on TEPI Mark O. Martin’s podcast, Matters Microbial. The episode discusses the research conducted in the Handelsman Lab on interactive microbial communities, using The Hitchhikers of the Rhizosphere (THOR) as a model system. Learn more and listen »

2024-06-26T16:25:49-05:00June 18th, 2024|
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