Birds of a Feather Pursue STEM Together
A team from Tiny Earth will study new ways of enhancing mentor networks among partner instructors and their students in a five-year project funded by NIH.
A team from Tiny Earth will study new ways of enhancing mentor networks among partner instructors and their students in a five-year project funded by NIH.
Assistant Professor of Chemistry Kristin Labby, along with student volunteers and volunteers with the Upward Bound program, will be offering science-fair style exhibits with hands-on demonstrations titled "Beloit College Featuring Tiny Earth" at the 2019 Wisconsin Science Festival.
UT Dallas microbiologists are on the front lines of an arms race that threatens the entire human race. Tiny Earth is teaching undergraduates the investigative skills that might just lead to the next new antibiotic.
The Green Bay Packers partnered with UW-Green Bay and Tiny Earth as part of a global research project looking to fight against the rise of drug-resistant diseases.
This year, UWGB Tiny Earth students will study a soil sample from Clarke Hinkle Field, one of the two Packers outdoor practice fields.
A representative from the Packers will join faculty and students for a Tiny Earth kick-off at UW-Green Bay’s Stem Innovation Center at 12:45 p.m. Monday, Sept. 9, 2019.
Tiny Earth Partner Instructor Kit Carlson is strengthening the pipeline from technical school to research experience to biotech careers for science-interested students.
Twenty high school, community college, and university science instructors from 12 US states and five countries convened for the Tiny Earth Partner Instructor (TEPI) training at the University of Connecticut.
The 2019 Tiny Earth Symposium in Madison, Wisconsin, was a great success! Relive the event or get up to speed through photos and tweets from the Tiny Earth community.
Herald-Tribune: Magnolia Valdez, a biotechnology major at State College of Florida, earned third place at the 2019 Tiny Earth Annual Poster Symposium in Madison, Wisconsin.