Tiny Earthlings and Tiny Earth Partner Instructors (TEPIs),
Join the Tiny Earth Student Group!
Tiny Earth has partnered with over 600 instructors around the world that support 10,000+ students each year! As our network expands, we are looking ways to connect the Tiny Earth community on a deeper, more engaging level beyond scientific research. In the coming year Tiny Earth will launch a Tiny Earth Student Group to connect Tiny Earth Earthlings from all over the world!
In this student-focused group, Tiny Earthlings may provide a voice for their class in network wide resources, curriculum, and activities and act as a liaison to the network for their Tiny Earth section! Additionally, students can connect with Tiny Earth students from different institutions and collaborate to advise and lead new Tiny Earth activities.
What types of activities does the Tiny Earth Student Group have to offer?
- Formulate, implement, and engage peers in AJEDI (antiracist, justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion) curriculum and social action within and beyond the STEM field
- Plan student-focused activities for your classroom and Tiny Earth symposia
- Organize local Tiny Earth related events for your community
- Get involved and promote Tiny Earth social media campaigns for social change
- Collaborate with your instructors to bring meaningful conversations to the classroom (e.g. land acknowledgements, bioprospecting ethics, and soil protection, etc)
- Advocate for student needs in curriculum materials & network resources
- Lead peer discussions on antibiotic discovery and provide support and feedback for student presentations
What can you leverage the Tiny Earth Student Group?
- Network with students from 517 Tiny Earth institutions across the globe
- Gain communication and leadership skills through collaboration
- Showcase your involvement and dedication to STEM education
- Connect directly with Tiny Earth partners for learning & career opportunities
- Support and advocate for underrepresented students in STEM
This group continues to be in the developmental stage, and we need your help in deciding what type of opportunities are most relevant to Tiny Earth students! Students and instructors interested in brining the Tiny Earth Student Group to their institution, please fill out this form.
Questions or concerns? Email tinyearth@wid.wisc.edu