Tiny Earth Celebrates 10 Years

Before Tiny Earth was established as a global network in 2018, the idea of studentsourcing antibiotic discovery emerged from “Microbes to Molecules”—An undergraduate biology course developed and taught by Dr. Jo Handelsman in 2012 at Yale University. Through her passion for soil microbes and vision for engaging diverse and underrepresented students in authentic hands-on [...]

2024-01-30T12:48:58-06:00December 15th, 2022|

Cerillo’s Stratus plate readers now available in purple!

Looking for a new plate reader for collecting and analyzing sample data in your Tiny Earth classrooms? Cerillo is offering an affordable, compact portable plate reader in a new enchanting purple color!  Stratus is a small plate reader that optimizes flexibility with minimal maintenance and fits in the palm of scientists’ hands. It allows [...]

2024-01-30T12:42:39-06:00October 5th, 2022|

Tiny Earth to develop AJEDI-focused open-access Scientific Teaching Course for college instructors

Tiny Earth Partner Instructors observing plates at an instructor training Tiny Earth will collaborate with Codon Learning and the National Institute on Scientific Teaching (NIST) to develop, evaluate, and disseminate a Scientific Teaching Course (STC) that integrates AJEDI (antiracist, just, equitable, diverse, inclusive) principles. Educators from diverse backgrounds will co-create the free, digital course [...]

2024-01-30T12:45:13-06:00September 27th, 2022|

88 Instructors around the globe join Tiny Earth in fighting the antibiotic resistance crisis in 2022

Instructors picking and patching isolates for isolate bioassay at the Johns Hopkins TEPI Training in July. Since the formation of Tiny Earth network in 2017 and its prior development, over 700 instructors in 30 countries and 45 U.S states and territories have been trained to teach the Tiny Earth microbiology Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience [...]

2022-08-17T13:57:38-05:00August 17th, 2022|

YVC students gain educational, career benefits during summer research

Students from Yakima Valley College participate in Tiny Earth research with TEPI Matthew Loeser (trained in June 2022 at UW-Madison). Exposure to hands-on research has given students an opportunity to learn new techniques and apply their knowledge “in a stimulating environment.” Although soil science may not be directly related to some students’ future career [...]

2024-01-30T12:54:32-06:00August 17th, 2022|

TEPI Jennifer Kerr for the Leading Women Under 40 Award

Tiny Earth Partner Instructor (TEPI), Dr. Jennifer (Jenn) Kerr, was selected for the Leading Women Under 40 Award, recognizing her excellent contributions to teaching and research. The award honors women under 40 based on their professional experience, community involvement, and commitment to inspiring change. The celebrated honorees are selected by a panel of judges [...]

2024-01-30T12:57:56-06:00July 28th, 2022|

Achieving STEM diversity: Fix the classrooms

Lead author Dr. Jo Handelsman, with Executive Director Sarah Miller and collaborators, published a new article in Science focused on evidence-based practices and approaches to creating inclusive STEM learning environments. Handelsman et al. cite effective and intentional methods to enhance student retention in STEM fields such as active learning, promoting a growth mindset, and [...]

2024-01-31T13:43:23-06:00July 25th, 2022|

Tiny Earth students discover antibiotic-producing bacteria in ocean plastics

Tiny Earth students Andrea Price and Allison Leask investigate microbes in ocean plastics as an alternative source for antibiotic discovery under the guidance of TEPI Ana Barral at National University. Dr. Barral’s adapted Tiny Earth course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) focuses on microbial discoveries from plastics in coastal waters. Their efforts have gained recognition from ASM [...]

2024-01-31T13:49:48-06:00July 6th, 2022|

Tiny Earth Summer Research Course welcomes four students at UW-Madison

The Tiny Earth Summer Research Course (TESRC) was launched in late May at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Tiny Earth Partner Instructors (TEPIs) from partnered institutions Baton Rouge Community College, Madison College, and College of Menominee Nation helped recruit applicants for the program. Four students were selected from the pool of applicants to participate in [...]

2022-07-06T12:21:25-05:00July 6th, 2022|

Recent Pursuits of Tiny Earth Partner Instructors

The Tiny Earth Network and its vision, formed in 2012 and established as we know it in 2018 by founder Dr. Jo Handelsman, has been a challenging and rewarding journey. The Vilas Research Professor and Director of the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery has diverse experiences in scientific research, ranging from publications in microbial communications [...]

2024-03-06T12:48:20-06:00April 4th, 2022|
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