TECH Webinar: Advancing the Tiny Earth Pipeline


Wednesday, October 18 @ 12-1:15 PM ET (11 AM-12:15 PM CT) | Via Zoom For Tiny Earth students and TEPIs Meet the Tiny Earth Chemistry Hub (TECH) scientists and learn about how your isolates move through TECH’s antimicrobial discovery pipeline! Students and their Tiny Earth Partner Instructors (TEPIs) have contributed over 3,600 isolates to TECH’s [...]

2024 July TEPI Training

UW–Madison, Discovery Building 330 N Orchard Street, Madison, WI

Training for new Tiny Earth Partner Instructors

2024 August TEPI Training

UW–Madison, Discovery Building 330 N Orchard Street, Madison, WI

Training for new Tiny Earth Partner Instructors

Tiny Earth Chemistry Hub Webinar

Join the Zoom   Instructors — Invite your students! Join us for this special event showcasing the Tiny Earth Chemistry Hub’s (TECH) innovative approach to antibiotic discovery beyond the classroom. At TECH, an interdisciplinary team of researchers investigates high-priority student-sourced bacterial strains to discover new antimicrobial compounds. Meet the TECH scientists and hear exciting updates [...]

Join Tiny Earth’s “Every Step Counts” Photo Contest for World AMR Awareness Week

Tiny Earth is participating in the World Health Organization’s annual World Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Awareness Week November 18-24. This year’s theme for the week is “Educate. Advocate. Act Now.” Tiny Earth and the WHO aim to motivate individuals to raise awareness about AMR and take decisive actions. Students are encouraged to participate in Tiny Earth’s [...]

Tiny Earth Chemistry Hub (TECH) Genomics Webinar Engage with researchers at the Tiny Earth Chemistry Hub (TECH) to learn about downstream genomics research that happens to many of the antibiotic-producing isolates submitted by Tiny Earth students. This interactive Zoom webinar is designed for students and instructors.  Led by TEPI and Tiny Earth Genomics Director Marc Chevrette and Tiny Earth Chemistry Hub [...]

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