A New Look into Tiny Earth: Our Website

Dear Tiny Earth Community, You may notice a few new changes on our website. In the last couple of months, Tiny Earth headquarters has been developing and slowly rolling out new features to help improve your experience as you scroll through https://tinyearth.wisc.edu. Our redesign includes a beautiful new logo, created by Wisconsin Institute for [...]

2024-03-20T13:50:40-05:00January 31st, 2022|

Tiny Earth Student Group Coming in 2022

Tiny Earth has partnered with over 600 instructors around the world that support 10,000+ students each year! As our network expands, we are looking ways to connect the Tiny Earth community on a deeper, more engaging level beyond scientific research. In the coming year Tiny Earth will launch a Tiny Earth Student Group to connect Tiny Earth Earthlings from all over the world!

2024-02-06T12:44:05-06:00January 31st, 2022|

Massive grant brings upper secondary school students into the fight against antibiotic resistance

Danish upper-secondary school students can now try their hand at scientific research and perhaps even help in a discovery that could have a major impact on millions of people all over the world. A grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation has given Aarhus University the opportunity to let school students join Tiny Earth.

2024-03-20T13:24:04-05:00July 2nd, 2020|
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